Bir Sayfa Seçin

The PC-PLUG series of sensor heads has been specifically developed for all those applications that do not require a display but when readings can be analysed and displayed on the now ubiquitous computer.

With simple “plug and play” functionality, no additional meter and at a lower cost, the PC PLUG sensors have all the power and sophistication of signal processing and software of the traditional PLUS2 meter.

The PC-PLUG series has two different connectivity option: USB (option U)  or RS-232 (option R).

The PC-PLUG series with USB connectivity gets its power supply from the PC throught the USB port while the only requirement for PC-PLUG series with RS-232 connectivity is a + 12VDC input.

The PC-PLUG sensors have been primarily developed for applications that need a power measurement station on board of machines; these instruments are also the perfect monitoring tool for other industrial applications such as laser burn-in or long-term reliability testing.

The PC-PLUG is also the best choice for service engineers and technicians who always travel with a laptop computer, because they will no longer need to carry separate instruments and additional weight.

Finally, thanks to their lower cost and smaller size, these sensors can be also successfully integrated in more standard laboratory applications that already use computer controlled instrumentation.


Ordering Code PC-Plug sensor heads code
Power Range 100 nW – 10 kW
Resolution 0.01% – 0.1% of Full Scale
Energy Range 1 mJ – 1 kJ
Resolution 0.01% – 0.1% of Full Scale
Pulse repetition rate Range Single shot – 6 Hz (a)
Power Range 100 mW – 10 kW
Resolution 0.5 ‰ (a)
Sensor Compatibility Thermal sensors, OEM thermal sensors, FIT-H power probes, Photodiodes, Blink FR
Storage Temperature Range -20 / +70 °C
Operating Temperature Range +5 / +40 °C
Relative Humidity Range 10 – 70 %
PC connectivity USB / RS-232
Sensor Head connectivity N.A.
Selectable Wavelengths 1 nm resolution (b)
Dimensions 78 x 26.4 x 14.6 mm
Weight 26 g
Display N.A.
Battery N.A.
Battery charge time N.A.
Battery run time N.A.
Supplied battery charger N.A.
ADC sampling rate 64 Hz – 192 Hz (c)
ADC resolution 23 bit
Electrical accuracy ± 0.5%
Analog Output N.A.
Analog Output Accuracy N.A.
a) for Blink FR
b) available wavelength range is sensor head dependent
c) sampling frequency is sensor head dependent